Sunday, August 17, 2008

Program offered at Nakashima Dojo Judo Club

Judo is a contact sport which includes throwing, grappling, choking and arm locks. Judo improves an individual’s physical fitness, speed, power, strength and flexibility. Judo utilizes virtually every muscle in the body and is an excellent overall conditioner. Although our judo program does not teach self defense, a knowledge of Judo will enable you to defend against an aggressor, learn to develop self confidence and self discipline.

At Nakashima Dojo we teach Kodokan Judo. We teach our students how to

1. Fall without injury.

2. Major throwing techniques using your Hip, Feet, Leg and Shoulder throws.

3. Hold downs, strangulation and arm locks.

4. Prepare for proficiency in Judo tournaments.

Our Dojo opened in 1968. Our program provides a unique recreational opportunity that can be practiced by any healthy individual. Our program teaches safety, discipline and the philosophy of Judo.

Practice schedule











8:30 – 10:00 pm

7:00 – 8:30 pm

7:00 – 8:30 pm

7:00 – 8:30 pm

6:00 –7:30

Age 16 and up

Ages 8 –15

Age 16+

Ages 8 -15

Fees: For Juniors and Adults.

Membership for Judo B.C.**

$35.00 (under 13)

$50.00 (13 and up)

Registration and Membership **



Monthly Dues

$20.00 Juniors

$25.00 Adults

** All members must belong to Judo B.C. We collect the Annual membership fees on behalf of Judo B.C.

** Registration and Membership is a one time fee.





Sunday, August 3, 2008

A TRIBUTE TO ROBERT LONG, First Elected President

To All Members
I received the sad new today that Robert Long, (February 16, 1925 - August 1, 2008) our first elected president of Nakashima Dojo past away on Friday, August 1.

Bob Long was instrumental in persuading my brother, Robert Nakashima to start a new Dojo back in 1968. Bob Long should be given credit for naming our Dojo after our father, Yasumatsu Nakashima . In the formative years, Bob with his enthusiasm and hard work as President, help build up the Dojo during the 70's and 80's where our membership peaked at about 150 members. Bob organized our annual Dojo Junior tournaments where we would get over 500 participants and he made arrangements to charter a Bus whenever we went to a major meet outside of Vancouver. For Bob, who never practiced Judo, was respected by the entire Judo Faternity because of his contribution in promoting Judo not only for our Dojo but also for the sport in general. His Credit Union, the Gulf and Fraser Fishermen Credit Union which he was president for 25 years, sponsored the most outstanding Junior Judoka in B.C. and made donations not only to Nakashima Dojo but to others as well. Bob was generous not only with his time and commitment with our Dojo but also with the friendship and comradeship that I shall miss with his passing.

The past number of years has been physically difficult for Bob with constant pain throughout his body. Last September, he was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.

Rest in peace, Bob, and thank you.

A memorial service will be held at Glenhaven Funeral Chapel on August 14 at 1:30 PM
Frank Nakashima
Head Instructor